BrainWaves: The Neuroscience Graduate Program Newsletter

SOMA Dodgeball – “Throw first, Think later.”

29.01.16 02:34 PM Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Christopher Rowley and Shawna Thompson

This past fall, members of the MiNDS program banded together to form an intramural dodgeball team that was cleverly named The Lobotomizers. Despite the team name, headshots were forbidden in game play, but that didn’t stop The Lobotomizers from instilling fear in their opponents.

With the weeklong stress and long hours in the laboratory and office, it was incredible that students were able to stay awake and play with such exuberance. Lots of members thoroughly enjoyed their Friday evenings out on the court where they won game after game, finishing the regular season on the podium. If it weren’t for a few lucky throws in the tear-jerking tiebreaker, the Lobotomizers likely would have come home as the new intramural dodgeball champions. The team attributes their success both to great teamwork abilities that were built working in an interdisciplinary program, and the excellent catching skills acquired from handling laboratory rodents.

We would like to thank SOMA for supporting us, and our Grade 2 gym class teachers for instilling the love of the game. We hope to be back to putting the “action” in action potential next year, and will be welcoming new and returning members after the extensive summer training camp. 
