Opportunities for Knowledge Translation
Author:Carly McIntyre-Wood
It is safe to say that COVID-19 has complicated many networking, presentation, and volunteering opportunities. We have two great options for you to improve your presentation and research dissemination skills while creating opportunities for networking and growing your CV!
1. Out of Our MiNDS

Out of Our MiNDS is providing you new ways to volunteer and make a difference in the lives of Canadian students! It will look great on your CV and can help inspire budding young scientists. Rather than travelling to schools and doing demonstrations, we are now offering mini conferences to schools wherein you can give a brief presentation of your research and expand on the underlying concepts. This is a great opportunity to practice your research dissemination and presentation skills. If scheduling is a concern, you can also provide pre-recorded presentations for schools to show their students at their convenience (this can be done using shared screen with active speaker on zoom).
We are looking for 7-10 slides, with at least half focused on explaining the mechanisms or concepts that are key to your research. The presentation should be around 10 minutes. Most interested schools are high schools, so it will be important to communicate concepts in a clear and concise manner.
Contact outofourmindsoutreach@gmail.com to get involved or with any questions!
2. Canadian Association for Neuroscience

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) website is inviting trainees at all levels to submit applications to be featured on the CAN website and social media account in short videos about recently published papers. The aim of this initiative is to highlight important neuroscience discoveries made in Canada and to publicize and promote your research. These short, 3-5-minute videos can be easily recorded in your home or lab. In order to be eligible, you or the principal investigator of the study must be a member of CAN. Proposal videos must be approved by your supervisor and will be reviewed by CAN.
More information here: https://can-acn.org/can-video-research-spotlights/
An example of a trainee research feature: https://can-acn.org/can-trainee-research-feature-ewen-lavoie-university-of-alberta/