Showcase your research by presenting your work at the Neuroscience Data-Blitz!
First, the BrainWaves team would like to extend a warm MiNDS welcome to Dr. Lyn Turkstra. She is the new Assistant Dean and Professor of Speech-Language Pathology in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences here at McMaster.
Dr. Turkstra has been looking for a way to bring Neuroscience faculty and students together so that they could share knowledge and build a stronger community of scientists. She has decided to start a new initiative, the MiNDS Neuroscience Data-Blitz, and would like to invite you to share your research with the neuroscience community.
Presenters can be students, faculty, postdocs, or any others involved in research here at McMaster. A data blitz is series of short talks - 5 minutes each and 1 power point slide - that present “bite-sized” bits of research followed by a 5 minute question period.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get feedback about your research from your peers and get to know each other and share ideas. This data blitz session will have 6 presentations and time for socializing before and afterward. The Turkstra lab is sponsoring pizza, and attendees are invited to bring beverages. We look forward to hearing from a wide range of researchers, and in all aspects of neuroscience from molecular and cellular to systems.
We invite you to the first MiNDS Neuroscience Data-Blitz:
When: December 6th at 5:30 pm
Where: MDCL 3024
If you would like to present or simply attend, please RSVP and email Sandra by November 22nd. All are welcome!