BrainWaves: The Neuroscience Graduate Program Newsletter

SOMA Corner

04.08.15 11:45 AM Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Bill Simpson

With summer on its way out, it’s time to put away the Birkenstocks and start planning for September and the start of the next academic year. Over the summer, SOMA has been busy getting ready for next year. Here are a couple of highlights:


A new executive!

We are pleased to announce a new executive team who will continue SOMA’s mission to enhance student life for MiNDS students. For a bio of each new exec member, visit and click on PEOPLE.


Co-President: Jasmine Turna

Co-President: Cory Richman

Dir. Finance: Gésine Alders

Dir. Communication: Calan Savoy

Dir. Outreach: Elyse Rosa

Dir. Member Relations: Shawna Thompson

Dir. Events: Crystal Mahedeo


Student Handbook released!


The 2015-2016 student handbook is now available to all new and returning students.  In it, you will find all the information you need to navigate the MiNDS program, written for the students by current and former members of SOMA. Download it directly here or check out the online version on the SOMA website here


It’s been a great year for SOMA, have a great rest of the summer and we’ll see you in September!
