BrainWaves: The Neuroscience Graduate Program Newsletter

Rain or shine, MiNDS keeps going.

04.08.15 11:45 AM Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Jasmine Turna

A day of sports and a get together afterwards, that was what the Students of MiNDS Association (SOMA) had planned for MiNDS students and faculty on July 17. But as luck would have it, the day of the event brought along rain with a risk of thunderstorms. Obviously SOMA would never put the bright minds of MiNDS at risk of being struck by lightning so plans were changed to what graduate students at McMaster are infamous for doing in their free time, going to the Phoenix!

First year students Chris, Shawna and Roksana

Despite the last minute change of venue and time, I walked in to a table full of people and appetizers. There was a constant flow of people joining in on the many conversations, which with the weather as it was, came as a bit of a surprise to me. But because of this, the event served as a great venue to meet other MiNDS students and even some people from other programs. Even though the weather wasn’t necessarily on SOMA’s side, the event was still a success. Can’t wait for other events SOMA will have planned for the next academic year! 

Delicious homemade treats!

If you have any ideas or suggestions as to what kinds of events you’d like SOMA to host in the future, please email us at
