BrainWaves: The Neuroscience Graduate Program Newsletter

Brain Waves Posts

AUTHOR: Cheryl Chow

The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Audiovisual (AV) interventions at reducing preoperative anxiety and its associated outcomes in children undergoing elective surgery.

We conducted a systematic review of both randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nonra...

10.05.16 09:13 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Dr. Kathy Murphy

A few weeks ago we packed up the car including Coco, bikes and beach stuff, and headed out for our annual trek to Florida. Since getting Coco we take lots of road trips. She happily rides in the backseat lounging on her bed with just the mild annoyance of wearing her dog...

10.05.16 08:44 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Jasmine Turna

The students of MiNDS are a busy bunch; most of our waking days are spent in the lab, reading publications or working hard towards writing things of our own. This past February, the Students of MiNDS Association (SOMA) decided to have everyone trek downtown to explore one o...

10.05.16 08:25 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Crystal Mahadeo 

Not too long ago we had Brain Awareness week here at McMaster University. We were lucky enough to have several presentations that week from a wide range of speakers. One in particular came from a new addition to McMaster’s faculty, Dr. Michael Amlung. Dr. Amlung is ...

10.05.16 08:17 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Lisa Dyce

Hi, I'm Lisa! In every issue of Brainwaves I am going to be assessing an aspect of neuroscience as it presents in popular culture. Read along as I take you through movies, books, music, and art to look deeper into how neuroscience is portrayed to a general audience. In thi...

09.02.16 10:00 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Ryan VanLieshout

It is hard to believe that this month's issue of BrainWaves marks the two year anniversary of our newsletter. As I look back through our past issues (which are now in the process of being archived), I remain incredibly impressed by the quality of articles written by our stude...

09.02.16 09:52 PM - Comment(s)

Author: Mike Wong

Assessing intracortical myelin in the living human brain using myelinated cortical thickness.

AUTHORS: Rowley CD, Bazin PL, Tardif CL, Sehmbi M, Hashim E, Zaharieva N, Minuzzi L, Frey BN, Bock NA

SUMMARY: Christopher Rowley

Myelin is typically associated with white matter in the brain,...

01.02.16 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
AUTHOR: Dr. Kathryn Murphy

As a graduate student in a research focused program the thesis is the ultimate goal.  Even before your first day in grad school everyone knows they will be embarking on the thesis journey. A journey that starts by picking a program and mentor and envisioning a beautif...

29.01.16 02:42 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR:  Crystal Mahadeo   

Q. What first got you interested in the sciences and specifically in animal biology?

A. I first became interested in animal biology because in Alberta (where I grew up) the environment is very prominent; you have huge mountains that contain animals living ...

29.01.16 02:42 PM - Comment(s)

AUTHOR: Ritesh Daya and Anthony Nazarov   

Anthony Nazarov was a student in Dr. McKinnon's lab and recently graduated from the MiNDS program with a successful defense and fruitful PhD career. He tells us about his thesis defense: his preparation, his experience and some mighty words of advice.

29.01.16 02:41 PM - Comment(s)